LevelUp Teacher’s Hub is live!
Browse through our website and you will find a little secret: We are building a big dream… And that dream is called: The Teachers Hub.
LevelUp, until now, has been almost 100% an offline company, and we very much believe in this approach. However, even though we have spent quality time with thousands of students and met hundreds of teachers, the world is large! And there are only so many schools we can reach and get excited with in this lifetime.
That is why we are sharing our best games, lessons, and language adventures with the world so that anyone, anywhere, can take a little part of the magic we have been working on and spread it around.
Our ultimate aim is to create more than just an online platform – but to grow a community built on the foundation of collaboration and support.
Here, you will find an ever-growing treasure trove of resources, meticulously curated to cater to the diverse needs of both you and your students. From quick fun games to long interactive lessons, our aim is to equip any educator with the tools and, most importantly, the inspiration to create dynamic and enriching language learning experiences.
Beyond these resources, the Teachers Hub is also a little nudge and a nod to say that we see the late nights spent planning lessons, the moments of doubt, and the trials and tribulations of being a teacher, as well as the triumphs that make it all worthwhile.
And although we don’t have a team of programmers at our side and a million-dollar budget, we hope you will follow us and find a whole wallop of joy here, on this journey as LevelUp’s Teachers Hub takes its first steps into the world.

LevelUp: Your Ultimate Destination for Immersive Class Trips and English Project Weeks.
Explore our Teachers Hub to see the method behind our madness, and pick up our favourite tips, tricks and techniques.